Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Did I miss something?

Did I miss the memo where we are rationing steel and aluminum again?? I ask because my mind is currently boggled by my most recent purchases.

Here's the thing: it cost me $3 more to get my car fixed than it did to buy razor blades. Now, I don't know about ya'll, but I think it's criminal that I had to pay $30 for one package of razor blades. (And that was the Sam's Club price!!) I took my car to the mechanics yesterday, I had a service and safety done...ya know, all the tests and oil and filter change...all the good preventative stuff; it cost $33.... any one else seeing a disparity here?

How is it possible that prices can be so ridiculous!?!?! I realize it's a little thing in the scheme of life, and that's fine...I am mostly over it now anyway. But the issue still remains...since I'm not going to stop using my razor...

I just found the comparison to be more than a little ridiculous. Ok, end random rant.
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