Resume Normal Breathing
At least for a moment I can breathe again. My week has finally come to an end...and I am pleased to announce that I did indeed survive. I suppose a quick rundown is in order, so I will try not to ramble. It is late after all...not that I'm sleeping much these days anyway.
My work week was tense and stressful as most of you know...and I even called in sick on Friday (hense the middle of the night posting) ;-) My fire cadets had their open house on Wednesday night and S and I spent the first half of the week preparing for it. So much work went in to it...but it was a big success and we have four or five new cadets now. That's good for the program, so I'm happy.
Last night was Jean's very low-key and very fun bachelorette party. The strippers were wonderful. (I am so kidding, it was just us girls, several white russians, and some Fakespearian actors). We did hair and nails and watched movies. Like I said, it was really laid back, but I think Jean had a good time, which was really the whole point, now wasn't it.
Friday and Saturday Grace and I worked at a songwriters' conference/workshop. There was a lot of hurry up and wait, and I didn't get to work with the planners like I had hoped, so it was kinda disappointing. But there were a few good moments. We passed several hours of downtime by playing "celebrities" and helping the different clinicians with minor details.
We did get to spend some time with a friend of mine from L.A. who was up to lead a drummer workshop. He's a cool guy, funny, smart, smartass, he's great and I love hanging out with him...his only fatal flaw: he looks and sounds just like Clark. They say that everyone has a twin in this world (some have more than one) and pretty much, my friend is Clark's clone. While on some levels you can see how this would be appealing...seriously, it's like Clark in five years with his ish all together...and at the same time...well, you see where I'm headed; Clark just needs to figure life out already. ;-)
Speaking of Clark, he talked to TG Friday night and he's ok...for the time being. It's not all settled yet, not by a longshot...but for now, I can start breathing again. So, thanks ya'll for the positive thoughts and prayers. I'm hoping to know more soon.
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