Saturday, May 07, 2005

Entrepenurial Empress

Ok, so here is yet another crazy idea that I'm actually considering. THe town in which I currently reside, while far too "oakie" to be called anything else, is about to expand like no one would believe. We live in the fastest growing county in the nation according to the paper last month. Anyway, I digress, well only sort of. My mom has approachjed me again about going into business with her. She has all sorts of good ideas, but she is definitely not a businesswoman. That's where I come in. I have a head for business, I know how to put together a successful venture and she trusts my judgement. In the past this has just been something we joke about or speak of in vague terms like "Someday". Until today, she and my dad are serious...they want to make this a reality in the next couple years. I know, I want out of here...and that's true also. But it is something I am thinking about. I need more information...but if Miss Jess moves up here to teach, then maybe it's not such a crazy idea after all...We'll see and I will definitely keep you posted. All three of you who currently read my ramblings. ;-) You know I love you all.