Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Strong...and Growing

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As my life spins around and flirts with the edge of disaster on a weekly basis these days, I find myself more and more drawn to church each week. I'm not really big on traditional church...I was raised in one and I never felt truly accepted or understood...I used to go to Mexico for a month each summer to teach because it was only there that I felt like I was growing and giving back.

All that changed when I moved to San Diego...I found a new kind of church...one based on fellowship and community rather than ceremony and legalism. I was on the ground floor of operations...it was an incredible experience, and I learned a lot about what I believe and what I want my life to be.

Anyway, my mentor now has a church in the Temecula Valley...it's awesome and it's growing like crazy. Once I moved back up here, there was some massive drama that led to one of my pastors starting another church...much like my mentor's. So, I actually enjoy going and I feel like I am learning and stretching myself and I love it!!

Saturday night, he talked about Unconditional Love...it was so good...it was something I needed to be reminded of...not how to show unconditional love, but rather that me having unconditional love is the correct response for some difficult situations. It was a good reminder that I am in the right place, doing the right thing...it's discouraging sometimes...I don't need anyone's approval per se...but it's nice to remember that life will work out the way it's supposed to whether I understand it or not.