Friday, October 28, 2005

Friday's Formation

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This piece is beautifully written and utterly heartbreaking. Zach certainly has a way with words. It's just further proof of the high sacrifices given by modern day heroes.

I thought
this was awesome! Sgt. Hook is up and running again, so if you haven't meandered over there yet, get ta steppin!! What are ya'll waiting for?

Another great article about why our soldiers serve. There is some good stuff out there today kids.

I am swamped at work today, so this is going to suffice for posting today. Sorry, but they actually expect me to spend some of my day working...I know, the audacity of some people. But I need to be off work on time today... tonight is Rascal Flatts!! Then karaoke out at G's bar. Woohoo!! Should be a if only the sun would come out! Have a great weekend ya'll!