Oye Como Va

Anyone care to dance?
It won't leave my head. So maybe if I put it out here, and make you listen to it...then maybe we'll make a trade and it will no longer accompany my every thought. I am a tired girl and I need some rest. It is after all officially "G-ma Day"!! YAY!! (and the peasants rejoiced) G-ma and Grandpa get in tonight...it is now technically Thursday so I am actually correct. ;-) I swear I will write a real post later, but until then:
There are a couple posts that I think ya'll should read. Miss Joan and Sgt. Hook have some good things to say. Go, read and learn.
I hope ya'll are sleeping while I type this. I too hope to sleep tonight. Much love to you all. Thanks for all the encouraging emails and phone calls...you really are the best.
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