Treasure the Time
My mom stopped by my house this morning as I was getting ready for work. It appears that my grandfather's bone cancer has returned. They found out on Monday. His PSA count went from .4 to 7.5...that's very bad. This cancer is aggressive and difficult to treat.
The medication that has been recommended is fairly effective, at most. The best outcome they could potentially reach would be for him to take this medication and if it works, then the cancer is at bay but it will destroy his liver. My grandfather is 77 years old and has been fighting various cancers for the last ten years.
He has opted to not take the medication, but rather to be as comfortable as possible and enjoy whatever time he has left. He has already lived two years beyond the doctors' outside figures from the last round of bone cancer. He is at peace with his decision; so is my g-ma. She says that they've had 55 good years together and since the doctors told her she would be lucky to keep him for six months (two and a half years ago) that everything now is just icing.
Most of us support the decision my grandparents have made. If grandpa and g-ma can be at peace about this; then we have to try as well. Personally, I made peace with losing my grandfather the first time the bone cancer appeared. I will miss him, yes; but I don't want to see him suffer and I know that this cancer, in particular brings with it excruciating pain. My grandfather is certain of his future and death has never frightened him...that said, I hope I get the chance to see him again before he passes.
There are contingents of the family who are badgering him to take the medication, go through the chemo everything medically possible. They refuse to accept that my grandfather has made his decision and that, in the end, it is his decision to make. They are causing a ruckus, as per's like they can't stand for any event to not revolve around them...not even my grandfather's illness. It sickens me. I am staying as far out of it as I can...I have a lot of words about this subject, but none of them will promote family unity, so I will attepmt to keep my mouth shut, at least to the family.
My g-ma has gotten so old in the last few months that it breaks my heart. My grandfather's health and the dicord on that side of the country have taken a toll on her. I am looking to find a way to go back there for a little while, to stay with them and hopefully give g-ma some light...I know she looks to me when she needs more light.
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