Monday, May 09, 2005

It's Monday morning...

...and I'm still alive. I got the most horrific migraine last night. I couldn't hardly watch the Contender for a while. (I know some of you are trying to figure out how to watch it at all, migraine or not) But I like it, I will admit that I am hooked...but since there are so few shows I actually watch on TV in a given week, I'm not too hard on myself for liking this one. ;-)

I must say, last night was the best sleep I've had in a week. No night terrors...thank God... not too much tossing and turning... and I only woke up at my designated OIF times (2:15, 3:40, and 4:30am) that's not a bad night for me.

Oh, I forgot, I was heavily drugged. It's not that I advocate recreational drug use...or even drugs to help me sleep on a regular basis. But every once in a while it's nice to just sleep. I'd almost forgotten what that was like.

The other wonderful quality of a drug-induced dreams whatsoever...ah a dreamless sleep... something I used to take for granted. So happily, last night was completely free of visions, premonitions, dreams, or really any form of remembered thought, conscious or otherwise.

And lest the rumor mills get started, it was nothing more than good, old-fashioned Fiorinol.... Thank God for painkillers. ;-)

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