Friday, August 05, 2005

A Few Little Words

…make all the difference in the world.

Last night we had a BBQ for my aunt’s birthday. It was a fun time for the whole family to get together and since my family is pretty crazy and loud, you never know what will happen next.

My g-ma is one of the coolest people I know and she is about the funniest too. She also happens to be hard of hearing…ok that’s not true…she’s profoundly deaf in one ear but her lip reading skills are so good that most people don’t notice that she can’t hear. Anyway, it does her no good if the person isn’t facing towards her. Over the years this has provided for some very interesting question/answer interchanges with her.

Case in point: All the boys were upstairs playing video games when one of them came into the kitchen where a bunch of us were sitting and said, “I’m just down until the next round because there isn’t a fourth controller for us to all play.”

My g-ma responded by saying, “Well you shouldn’t be playing around like that…besides I told you that you’ll have to name it after me.”

Huh?? That’s a weird response…then she realized that no one, including my aunt seemed surprised or shocked by my cousin’s statement. At this point she asked him again what he had said…then she started laughing…

This is what she heard: “I’m down here looking for some birth control because I want to go play.”

After we finished laughing, we all chimed in with the phrase my g-ma has used to tell us good-bye for as long as I can remember: “Be good; if you can’t be good: be careful; if you can’t be careful: name it after me.”

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