Monday, July 17, 2006

Good News for a Change

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Ok, so I finally have good news. I got a new job last week. I start work on July 24th. That means only one last week in the purgatory that is my current working environment. Yes, I am counting down...and no, it's not moving quickly enough. I can't find words to properly express how happy i am to be leaving. I am definitely going to miss my coworkers; but it is more than time to move on from there.

The new job is a reception/front desk position with a distribution center about twenty minutes from my house. I'm getting a good pay raise and after 90 days, I'll have benefits. I knew from the moment i met the hiring manager that he was someone I would love to work for. Turns out they thought I was pretty super too.

The hours are going to be tough since I am NOT a morning person (I have to be there by 7:30 am); but I will learn to adjust. At least they are guaranteeing me 40 hr weeks.

They also know that if the ORISE job comes through that I'll take it...and they hired me anyway. I'd say that's a good sign. On the ORISE front, there is the potential for a job to come through sooner than i had anticipated. The timing has the potential to suck horribly if I've just started a new job; but as one of my attorneys told me last week, if ORISE is my dream then I have to follow it no matter what...which is exactly what I plan to do.