Sunday, June 25, 2006


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I've been absent around here lately because I can't find my feet long enough to form words and subsequently, record those words. This week has been pretty busy with work, job-hunting, family and life.

So, here's the rundown:
  1. I'm still waiting to find out concrete answers regarding my interview last week. The more I learn about the job; the more I am convinced that it's the perfect opportunity for me. SO keep your fingers crossed.

  2. Grandpa isn't doing well at all. He's worse than he's been letting on which we knew, to some degree. Turns out the last few weeks he's been getting pretty dizzy. He didn't even have the energy to go to my youngest niece's 5th birthday party. G-ma won't hardly leave his side.

  3. Work is becoming increasing unbearable by the day. Like rats off a sinking ship allthe senior staff is attempting to defect. Hopefully, we'll have the opportunity to leave en masse.

Now for the reeling part of the show. I got a call Friday afternoon from Kolohe. He informed me that this would be his last weekend at the bar...oh and at the college. He was offered (accepted) a job in Los starts Wednesday.

The upside is that he'll be making more money and he won't have the beastly commute. He'll also be driving (piloting?) a boat so he'll get to be back on the water. He needs that...his soul has withered by being landlocked.

The downside is that he will work four weeks at a time in L.A. and then be home for about a week before heading back. It also means that I don't know when I will see him next.

It's all so sudden that Kolohe is reeling aobut as much as we are. On top of all that, his grandfather passed away last week and his entire family is here from Hawaii.

You know it all caught me off gurad when the bar was full of cute, tall asian men
and I didn't even get to appreciate them. Two of Kolohe's cousins are pretty hot. Anyway, Grace and I bought Kolohe an ice cream cake and Strawberry and Cream frappuchinos. (They're his favorite.) The worst part of the evening was having to break the news to G while she was at work.

In addition to Kolohe's family, his wife was at the bar too. She isn't the most pleasant of human beings and she certainly doesn't like us. C'est la vie, we still got to say our goodbyes, and since I've talked to Kolohe twice already today, I have hopes that perhaps geography won't make us entirely distant. Here's to hoping that all of the events of the weekend sink in soon and I can stop my head from spinning.