Because this week hasn't been confusing enough
We've been sold. I'm still reeling though I recieved the news on Wednesday. It feels like mom and dad got divorced and the judge sent us to live with the wrong parent. We all wante to live with dad, but alas, we've been told that mom will be keeping us. She will certainly lower our allowances and increase our chores...while micromanaging us all along.
The law firm I work for has been reduced (it's official as of today along with the end of the fiscal year) from a general partnership to a sole proprietorship. The partner commonly referred to as Peter Pan has purchased the 50% interest of the other partner. This sale ushers out the last remaining voice of reason in management.
The other boss I really liked has effectively been laid off...those no one has the balls or ovaries (as the case may be) to tell her that she no longer has a job. See, around here they don't like to fire people. Not only is it "not friendly" but the company would also be required to pay unemployment...God forbid they spend any money on their any point. Rather, they like to make the work environment so unbearable that you quit. Then not only does the company not owe any money; but managements' collective conscious is absolved.
As ya'll can see, I am way past disillusioned and way in to bitter and beyond caring. I would love nothing more than to get fired right now. That's saying something about my workplace since I'm actually a bona fide workaholic. Always have been...but now I'm more like Peter Gibbons.
One of the attorneys and I were discusisng the problems that just seem to be getting worse and worse around here. She made a comment about the people at the top balancing the financial responsibility on those at the bottom. My observation: There are many governments that balance the economy on the backs of the peasants. But those governments are usually overthrown in some sort of a messy military coup. We've almost reached riot status kids.
I'm still job-hunting like crazy. Keep your fingers crossed about a job with ORISE/ORAU. (Google it if you want to know...I can't give out a lot of detail yet.)
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