Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Land of the Free

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Happy Independence day! I always get a little more emotional today...I hope I never lose that. I am proud to be an American and I am grateful for the opportunities and freedoms I am provided simply because I was blessed to be born here.

Tonight I had the pleasure of explaining to my five year old niece why we salute our flag and why we stand for the national anthem with our hands over our hearts. She had the wide-eyed wonderment that so many of us have lost as we've grown up. It's refreshing to see freedom through a child's eyes. After I answered all of her questions and we settled in to watch the fireworks, she commented that we live in the best place ever!! I have to say, I agree with her.

Go, read what Ms. Joan has to say today and remember why we're proud to be Americans. And, as you enjoy the rest of the nght and head back to work tomorrow (or the next day if you're lucky), take a second to remember all the men and women serving around the globe (and here at home) whole ensure that Amenrica remains the Land of the free.