Tuesday, May 10, 2005

It's official

I woke up this morning with a realization...one I'm actually pretty proud of. Today marks the two year anniversary of my recovery of living life as an annorexic purger. Well ok, I've been recovered, mostly for several years. But today marks two years since my last annorexic relapse. That is a new record for me. The longest before was only like 18 months.

I made a promise two years ago (so technically it's been 2 years and three days since my relapse) that I wouldn't purge again...and that I would eat at least one "real" meal in "real portions" every day. I have kept my word...through academy, through fire service testing, through "Operation Enduring Deployment", through all the drama of my personal life.

It's not been easy, to say the least. There are many days where all I want to do is revert to my old ways; it sure was a lot easier. I hate that I don't look like I used to...but I know that I'm much healthier now. I'm not nearly as obsessive about anything in my life anymore. I know inside how important that achievement is to my long-term happiness.

So even though I was mad at the time for being asked to promise something so personal. Thanks Clark, you probably saved my life. I don't make idle promises...ever. That's why I don't promise very many things to very many people. I take promises seriously... if Clark can wear a seatbelt, then I certainly can keep myself healthy.

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