Sunday, December 03, 2006


I just returned from an evening with the extended family in Napa. It's been good to be around family lately...and only partly because G-ma is back! Yep, it's true. G-ma is back permanently...or at least as long as we still have grandpa. He realized (after my parents and I visited for a couple weeks in September) that he missed those of us out here and perhaps picking up and selling all they owned to move to Tennessee wasn't the best decision he'd ever made. Hmm...ya think?

Anyway, they arrived home Thanksgiving week and believe me...I spent the entire week being completely thankful. Things are a little different now, of course. They don't have a house here anymore so they have moved into my Nina's big house in Napa. It's strange not to see g-ma in her house, but I'm so glad to have her back that I hardly notice the location. I've really needed her the last several months.

Grandpa is still very ill...they took him off the miracle pills. They just weren't helping and they made him feel weak. So he decided that he would rather enjoy the time he has left. Grandpa is on morphine patchs around the clock now and he's getting weaker. But, he's happier now than he has been in quite some time. He's at peace with death and has come to a point where he realizes the value of family rather than stuff. That's a big deal for my grandfather who has always measured happiness in money.

I'm just grateful that g-ma and grandpa are close enough for me to visit again. I wish I could see them more frequently, but once a week is far better than the three months I had to wait each time once they moved to Tennessee.