Tuesday, June 14, 2005

It's a Beautiful Day

I am in such a good mood today!! Yeah it’s only Tuesday, nothing particularly exciting about that in and of itself…but I’m in a great mood anyway! Yeah, I have a beastly awful case on my desk…It’s consumed my entire morning and appears to be poised to take over the afternoon as well…but that’s ok.

I am genuinely happy today folks! There is no specific reason…I mean, the sun is shining, it’s a warm, gorgeous June day in Northern Cali…and I was finally able to pull all my mini skirts out of storage (always a happy day for me, since it means summer is almost here). But, I’m inside at a desk, working on Regulations…so why am I so flippin’ happy? There is no rhyme or reason to it. I’m not manic nor am I giddy…I’m just flat out happy! Wow…maybe this is what normal feels like…any takers?

It’s more than a little odd that I would be this happy since I was awoken at 6:15 this morning. (I realize that many of you will feel no sympathy for me since I realize that in the scheme of the world 6:15 not early) Since I rarely get to sleep deeply before 4 am…then I cherish the morning hour sleep that I do get.

Anyway, I woke up to the sound of my family screaming at me because the large dog who resides outside (aka my horse) had kicked the boards out of the fence, again, and had taken off down the road. He does this every few months…I think to see if I am serious about my threat to sell him to the glue factory…I think he knows it’s an empty threat…I’d never let anything happen to that stupid creature. He’s a now retired show horse…we used to be pretty good…but whatever, that is the past.

Anyway, he and the other horse took off down the road and my brother and I got to spend an hour getting the two horses back inside the pen and fixing the fence so they wouldn’t get out again today. On the plus side, I didn’t get trampled today…and I only got bitten once (and I think it was an accident) so I consider it a wild success.

Well, either way, I will stop analyzing the cause and enjoy this moment of sun (both real and metaphoric).

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